It was a late Thursday night and I was bored. I switched on my computer and browsed through my favorite emails from my beloved Dudes in debts. The only thing is that I never know who I pick, they just send a text email, mostly without a pic of face or whatever. But well, the vision of late night entertainment was as always stronger. So I´ve suited up and went to meet my next indebted little victim. Young, kinda good-looking with well built body. Hmmm, this is going to be fun, I´ve thought. I was amazed what a nice apartment he had and still he was in bloody debts. C´mon! After the usual sum up, I´ve proposed what I want from him in return. And to my surprise, he actually laughed.Well nice and approachable personality he had.
Debt Dandy 36 - [B]IGSTR
Channel: Czech Hunter